Episode Transcript
You’re listening to a podcast by Lance Lambert Ministries. For more information on this ministry, visit www.lancelambert.org or follow us on social media to receive all of our updates.
Hey, everyone! Welcome back to the podcast — we’re glad you’re here. Today, we’ve got something really exciting to share with you, something we’ve been working on for a while.
Last week, we released both the print copy and the eBook of The Books of the Kingdom: Part 1 — Samuel from the Through the Bible with Lance Lambert series. If you’re familiar with Lance’s teachings, you know that this book, along with the other books in the Through the Bible series, is a collection of messages he gave at Halford House in England which have been transcribed into a book.
So you might be wondering, Why “Part 1: Samuel” and not just 1 Samuel? Traditionally, these books were actually grouped a little differently than we see them today in the Bible. Instead of calling them 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel, or 1 Kings and 2 Kings, they were just called “Samuel” and “Kings.” This was because, in the original Hebrew Bible, these were one continuous scroll — and it made sense to keep them together since the story is one long narrative.
The books of Samuel are all about the beginnings of Israel’s kingdom. But they’re also a picture of something much bigger — the preparation for God’s King.
The book of Samuel is a transition from the time of the judges, when Israel was ruled by leaders that God raised up, to the establishment of a monarchy. And through this book, we see the longing for a King who would truly represent God’s heart. Samuel point us forward to the King that God is preparing — not just for Israel, but for the whole world, the ultimate King, who will come to set all things right.
We’re really excited for the release of this book! You can pick up a copy on our website, and I’ll leave a link in the show notes. We’re looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Book of the Kingdom Part 1, and are praying that this book is an encouragement to you in your walk with the Lord and in your preparation for His return! Talk to y’all soon.